Journey from Unsopken to Spoken

When a new tree born under the big one then it is the most beautiful thing ever that just happened. Big tree nourishes the small one for all of its life. You can imagine, how aesthetic it could be. You can see the holly love there. A true love.


But there is also an another fact that you must understand.

Big questions:

What will happen when a baby tree will demand more space? A space to grow big? A space to touch the sky where it really doesn’t matter whether it will be able to touch or not? When the desire of becoming big is very strong, can you imagine the struggle of a small tree (a baby tree) here?

I think you already got my point. A baby tree can never grow much under the shadow of its parent tree. Because baby tree needs its own space and sunlight. This is true and we should accept this.



Both can grow together with love if there is a small distance between two. Distance is always graceful, artistic and divine.

Same you can imagine in the parents-children relationship. Caring is good, it is really nice when someone cares for you, loves you, when someone makes you feel special and parent-children love is always alluring. There is no other example more beautiful than this love but what that love means to you when it becomes barriers, a prison or a guardhouse?

I’ve shared my opinion on one side only. I must wait before drawing any conclusion. So, I’m waiting.


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I am the one who discover myself daily through reading, writing, interacting with people and expressing my thoughts to inspire them if I would be able to bring a little change to the society through my work. I write blogs, participate in various social activities and want to be a Professional Speaker. Currently, I am pursuing my post graduation in Computer Applications from Guru Nanak Dev Engineering College, Ludhiana and I’m very much active in many technical & social communities.

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